12 min read

A Blogger's Guide: How to Get Ads on Your Blog for Profit

how to get ads on your blog

Picture this scenario: you've finally launched your blog, and now you're wondering how to get ads on your blog to start making money.

You've come to the perfect place!

I've been blogging since 2009. One of my first sources of revenue at the time was via display ads.

I used the Google Adsense platform to display relevant ads to readers of my blog.

As the blog traffic grew, so did my monthly blog income!

In this post, we'll dive into various strategies for placing ads on your blog and maximizing revenue potential.

From choosing the right advertising network to optimizing ad placement and formats, tracking performance, building valuable content before implementing ads, utilizing social media platforms, engaging with other bloggers and influencers, and exploring alternative monetization strategies - we have it all covered.

By the end of this guide, you'll be armed with tactics to convert your blog into a money-making machine!

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How to Get Advertisements for My Blog: The 7 Key Steps

1. Choose the Right Advertising Network

choose the right advertising network
Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

With advertising networks like Google AdSense, Mediavine, Monumetric, PropellerAds, and Ezoic, monetizing your blog through ads is easy.

The first step in understanding how to put ads on your blog is to realize you need to apply to the right advertising network.

Google AdSense is a widely-used option for bloggers, as it offers convenience and an extensive list of advertisers.

There are a few Google Adsense alternatives that you can start monetizing your blog with (depending on your current blog traffic levels).

  • Ezoic Ads uses artificial intelligence to optimize ad placements and maximize revenue.
  • Mediavine is an exclusive network with high-quality blog ads and excellent support.

When selecting an ad network, consider factors such as payout threshold, traffic requirements, and ad quality to align with your blog's goals and audience preferences.

  • Lower payout thresholds are ideal for new bloggers who want quicker payouts.
  • Choose a network that aligns with your blog's current traffic levels.
  • Prioritize networks with high-quality blog ads relevant to your audience and niche.

Remember, choosing the right advertising network is essential for optimal results.

2. Optimize Your Display Ads Placement and Formats

optimize your blog ad revenue
Photo by Daniel Tomlinson / Unsplash

Less is often more regarding ad placement, so avoid overwhelming your readers with multiple anchor ads.

Your blog's design is essential to optimized ad performance and good user experience.

Choose a combination that won't affect page load speeds or user experience, and consider different formats like display banners or in-text links to boost your blog's revenue potential.

The way most ad types work is you get an ad code that you place on your site. As people click on your ads, you generate revenue every single month. This is why a blog's design is so important.

Balance User Experience with Ad Revenue Potential

Always prioritize your audience when considering ad placements on your blog.

To strike the perfect balance between user experience and ad revenue, test different combinations of ad formats and locations within your blog content.

Best Practices for Mobile-Friendly Ad Placements

Optimizing blog ads for smartphones is crucial to maximizing earnings from blog advertisements on your site.

Use responsive design techniques and avoid pop-up ads that cover the entire screen to ensure a mobile-friendly experience for your readers.

Tips for Choosing Effective Display Banners:

  • Select banner sizes proven to perform well, like the 300x250px medium rectangle.
  • Avoid overly flashy designs and clean visuals aligned with your brand identity.
  • Analyze data such as click-through rates (CTR) over time to optimize banner performance accordingly.

In-text links can be a less intrusive way to incorporate blog ads into your blog content.

Ensure in-text links are contextually relevant and add value for readers to maximize their effectiveness.

  1. Experiment with different ad formats and placements to find the best for your unique audience.
  2. Always prioritize user experience over short-term revenue gains to keep your readers happy and returning for more.

3. Track Performance and Make Adjustments

track your blog ad performance
Photo by Campaign Creators / Unsplash

Maximizing revenue from ads on your blog requires keeping a close eye on their performance.

Google AdSense, Mediavine, and other ad networks offer dashboards to monitor metrics like click-through rates (CTR) and earnings per thousand impressions (eCPM).

Regularly analyzing this data helps you make informed decisions about ad placement strategies.

Metrics for Measuring Ad Success

Your CTR shows the percentage of users who clicked on an ad after seeing it, while eCPM measures how much money you earn per 1,000 impressions.

Higher CTRs mean more engaged users and increased revenue from advertisers.

eCPM helps determine if a specific ad or format generates income relative to its visibility on your blog.

Tips for Optimizing Ad Performance

  • A/B testing: Experiment with different placements, formats, and sizes to find what works best for your audience without sacrificing user experience.
  • User feedback: Listen to your readers' input about the ads they see to make adjustments that benefit both parties.
  • Schedule regular reviews: Periodically review your advertising strategy to make necessary changes promptly.
  • Maintain high-quality content: Consistently deliver engaging, informative content to keep your readers returning for more.

Staying on top of ad performance and making data-driven adjustments maximizes revenue from ads on your blog.

4. Build Valuable Content Before Implementing Ads

Laptop and notepad
Photo by Nick Morrison / Unsplash

Before you spend too much time learning how to add ads on your blog, it's essential to concentrate on creating high-quality content that engages your readers.

It is essential to provide valuable information with reliable sources and display it easily and comprehensibly.

Great content keeps visitors returning for more and increases the likelihood they'll engage with ads displayed on your site.

Importance of High-Quality Content in Attracting Advertisers

A well-written blog filled with engaging content appeals to readers and attracts advertisers who want their ads placed alongside top-notch material.

The better your content, the higher ad revenue potential you can expect from premium advertisers seeking reputable platforms for their campaigns.

Why We Love Content at Scale for High-Quality Blog Post Writing

Need help creating faster, better content?

Leverage a powerful tool like Content at Scale that offers numerous benefits for bloggers and content creators looking to produce high-quality, SEO-optimized content more efficiently.

One of the most significant advantages is increased productivity.

Content at Scale streamlines the writing process, allowing you to create more content in less time. By publishing more content more often, you can maximize your online presence and boost your website's search engine rankings.

Another significant benefit is the consistent quality across all of your blog posts.

Content at Scale helps maintain a high standard of writing that engages your audience and keeps them coming back for more.

With SEO in mind, the tool assists in optimizing your content for targeted keywords, improving your website's visibility on search engines like Google.

This increased visibility translates to higher organic traffic, ultimately leading to more significant ad revenue and growth in your online business.

In summary, using a tool like Content at Scale can significantly enhance the productivity and effectiveness of your content creation process, making it an invaluable asset in today's competitive online landscape.

Author's Note: We love using Content at Scale so much that we are an affiliate partner. If you decide to take it for a spin, you'll get 20% bonus blog post writing credits each month you remain a member. That means if you choose the 8 articles a month plan, you'll get 10 articles a month! Make sure to click here to qualify for the bonus monthly credits.

To further enhance your blog's credibility, invest time in link-building strategies.

  • Genuine guest posting: Contribute valuable articles to other blogs within your niche. Include a link to your site within these posts or the author bio section.
  • Create shareable resources: Develop informative infographics or insightful guides that others naturally want to reference and link back to.
  • Nurture relationships: Engage with influencers and fellow bloggers through social media interactions or commenting on their posts. This may lead them to check out - and potentially link -to your content.
  • Use a PR service like HARO: Increase your exposure and build links to your blog by using a PR service like HARO (Help A Reporter Out) to connect with journalists seeking expert sources.

By consistently producing high-quality content and employing effective link-building strategies, you'll create a solid foundation for your blog's success - paving the way for successful ad implementation.

5. Get Social: Boost Your Blog with Social Media

social media logos
Photo by Aman Pal / Unsplash

To kick off your social media strategy, ensure you have a solid presence on major networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Next up: hashtags. Use relevant and trending hashtags in your posts to increase visibility and attract potential advertisers.

Maximize Your Social Media Presence: Remember, a solid social media presence is critical to driving traffic toward your blog and increasing ad revenue.

Pro Tip: Use social media tools like MissingLettr and Social Champ to save time on creating social media content.

6. Engage with Other Bloggers and Influencers

engage with other bloggers
Photo by Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

Building relationships with fellow bloggers can be a game-changer for ad revenue growth.

Commenting on their blogs, sharing insights, and offering support are great ways to kick-start these connections.

But don't stop there.

Collaborating on guest posts allows you to tap into each other's audiences, multiplying your reach and potential advertisers' interest.

The benefits of blogger collaboration go beyond just increasing ad revenue; it also helps expand your network, learn from other's experiences, and stay updated on industry trends.

The Benefits of Blogger Collaboration for Ad Revenue Growth

Blogger collaborations open doors to new advertising opportunities by exposing your content to fresh eyes - the more readers you have, the more attractive your blog becomes to advertisers.

You'll gain valuable backlinks and improve search engine rankings through increased domain authority - another win-win situation when it comes to attracting ads.

How Influencer Partnerships Can Boost Advertising Potential

Influencers bring credibility and an engaged audience that trusts their recommendations - partnering with them can significantly amplify your blog's visibility and advertising appeal.

For example, sponsored posts or product reviews provide exposure while potentially boosting conversion rates for displayed ads.

  • Create a list of influencers relevant to your niche who share similar values.
  • Craft personalized outreach messages highlighting how collaborating would benefit both parties.
  • Be open to different partnership formats, such as co-hosting webinars or creating joint content.

Collaborating with bloggers and influencers can help foster increased ad revenue and widen your presence in the blogging space.

7. Income Alternatives: More Ways to Make Money Blogging

Statistics on a laptop
Photo by Carlos Muza / Unsplash

Why settle for just display ads when you can diversify your income streams?

Why not make money blogging in multiple ways?

Here are some alternative options for monetizing your blog:

  • Freelance blogging: Offer your writing skills on platforms like Upwork to attract clients seeking skilled bloggers.
  • Coaching services: Target specific niches or industries that align with your expertise and offer consulting services.
  • Selling online courses: Package your knowledge into a digital course and sell it through platforms like Kajabi.
  • Affiliate marketing: Share honest reviews on products and tools you use daily and include your affiliate links.

Diversifying Income Streams Through Various Monetization Methods

Diversification is critical to financial stability, especially as a blogger.

The good news is there are lots of ways to make money blogging.

Spread your revenue sources to reduce dependence on any single source, such as display ads, and guard against changes in ad income caused by seasonal trends or algorithm shifts.

This approach also helps protect against fluctuations in ad revenue due to seasonal trends or algorithm changes by advertising networks.

Balancing Advertising with Other Revenue-Generating Activities

Focusing solely on blog advertisements may limit growth opportunities for both traffic and earnings potential.

Maintaining a balance between traditional display ads and other monetization methods allows for greater flexibility while maximizing earning potential.

Adding variety to your blog by including different monetization methods helps keep readers engaged and interested.

FAQs about How to Get Ads on Your Blog

How do ads work on a blog?

Ads on a blog function through advertising networks, like Google AdSense, displaying relevant blog ads based on content and audience. You earn money through ad impressions and visitor clicks.

How much do ads pay on blogs?

The amount you earn from ads on your blog varies depending on factors such as traffic, ad placement, and the type of blog ads displayed.

Earnings usually come from a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) model or a Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) basis, with popular advertising networks like Google AdSense helping you generate ad revenue.

How do I get ad revenue for my blog?

Before you can figure out how to get ads on your blog, you must produce high-quality content first. Almost every advertising platform will ask you to submit your site for a review.

Alternatively, you can collaborate directly with companies and sponsors interested in advertising on your blog, giving you greater control over the ads displayed and potentially earning higher revenue. In this case, you would sell ads directly with the sponsor and cut out the middleman.

When you sell ads this way, you'll need to create an advertising prospectus showing clients your average traffic numbers and advertising fees.

How do I put ads on Blogger without Adsense?

If you're looking for how to get ads on Blogger, we got you covered!

To place ads on your Blogger site without using AdSense, explore alternative advertising networks like Media.net or Infolinks.

You can also reach out to sponsors and companies directly, creating partnerships that allow you to feature their ads on your blog and maintain more control over your advertising choices.

How does Blogger qualify for Adsense?

To qualify for AdSense on Blogger, ensure your site contains high-quality, original content and follows Google's guidelines.

This includes creating a user-friendly website, adhering to content policies, and avoiding prohibited practices such as click manipulation or copyrighted material usage.

See our article on How to Use Blogger.

How do ads pay blogs?

Ad networks pay blogs based on Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM), with payments made via direct deposit or PayPal.

Should you run ads on your blog?

Running ads can effectively monetize your blog strategically, considering user experience, ad relevance, website speed, and exploring alternative monetization strategies.

Final Thoughts

Want to learn how to get ads on your blog? Follow these steps to learn how to get ads on your site:

  • Choose the right advertising network.
  • Optimize ad placement and formats.
  • Track performance and make adjustments.
  • Build valuable content before implementing ads.
  • Utilize social media platforms.
  • Engage with other bloggers and influencers.
  • And explore alternative monetization strategies.

Remember, attracting advertisers requires a solid readership base built through high-quality content, so diversify your blog income streams and balance advertising with other revenue-generating activities to maximize your earnings potential while maintaining a positive user experience for your audience.

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