3 min read

5 Simple Ideas on How to Write Faster

Do you wish that you had more blog posts up on your site? Do you wish that you had more traffic coming to your blog on a monthly basis? There is really only two solutions and you need to be doing both: quality and quantity. If you can learn to do both then you can … 5 Simple Ideas on How to Write F

Do you wish that you had more blog posts up on your site? Do you wish that you had more traffic coming to your blog on a monthly basis? There is really only two solutions and you need to be doing both: quality and quantity. If you can learn to do both then you can begin to see success in a short period of time. When we say β€œquality” we mean a few things:

  • Are you using a keyword phrase that people are searching for?
  • Does your blog answer a question or provide a solution?
  • Is the content unique and not copied from somewhere else?

While quality is very important, I think quantity is important as well. Quantity is your ability to produce unique, helpful advice in a rapid fashion. In other words, if you are only contributing to your blog once a week or just a few times a month, then it is highly unlikely that you will be able to develop a decent following. For example, this blog starting back in April and this is the 78th post that we have added to this point. Most of the blog posts have been over 500 words and packed with tons of valuable content (at least we hope so). Had we chosen to post weekly or every once in a while, we would probably have less than 15-20 posts. Without sacrificing on quality, let me share with you a few simple ideas on how to write faster.

5 Simple Ideas on How to Write Faster

Purchase Dragon Naturally Speaking and turn speech into text. I am sure you are aware of the fact that you can talk faster than you can type. Dragon Naturally Speaking software is one of the best ways to add more content to your blog in a rapid fashion. While at times I love the rythym of the keyboard when I type, I still get tired of typing all day long. I take much need breaks with Dragon Naturally Speaking. It even gives me the freedom to walk around, pace, and dictate my thoughts. All the while it is turning my speech into text. It is amazingly accurate and I usually find a few if any changes to make. I can write a 300 word blog post in just about 4-5 minutes. Typing my thoughts for that same length of article takes me closer to 10 minutes.

Get some article templates to follow. Ezine Articles has some great resources for writers. One of those resources is called writing templates. Each of these templates have a different purpose and theme to them. It shows you what to include in each paragraph so that you can construct a quality article quickly.

Write your outline before writing. I like to write many of my post in a list format. This article would be considered a list format. If I can think of 3-5 examples of my main point, then I can create a new article very easily. All I need is an opening paragraph, a paragraph for each main point, and a concluding paragraph. That is easily 500-600 words in no time flat.

Remove all distractions. If you want to learn how to write faster, then the answer lies in the word focus. To write a good article and write quickly you need to have full concentration. There is something to be said about getting fully absorbed in your writing. You can not write good articles while battling the TV, interruptions from family, checking email over and over again, and constantly taking breaks in between. It takes too long for you to get back to that same level of concentration once it is broken.Use a program like write space if you need a system to help you focus better.

Set a timer and write without stopping. It is helpful to give yourself a deadline when writing. 30 minutes is a good number to shoot for. If you want to write faster, set a timer and see how much you can get done before the 30 minutes is up. I am a competitive person so that can really get my juices going for sure. I also like to use a program called Action Machine. I have discussed it before in an earlier blog post. Essentially, it is a desktop software that manages are your tasks and allows you to set timers to your tasks.

If you want to learn how to write faster, then figure out a way to begin applying some of these steps this week.

Question: What is your method for creating articles quickly?